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We do not take the cookie-cutter,"one-size-fits-all" approach that others may employ. Everything is customizable, so that you can have a tailor made plan that accomplishes what you need done, and does not leave you with the unnecessary expense of those services that are not needed.

The loyalty of our employees is the key to our success, and shows in their work ethic. They are given the encouragement and respect they deserve to sustain their motivation. In this high turnover industry, over 95% of our employees have been with us since the very beginning. 




Utilizing our professional grade window cleaning equipment, we clean many large (and small) office buildings each year. We also perform hard water treatment on lower panels where night-time sprinklers hit the glass over and over. Let us restore your building to a greater lustre. Our professional-grade window cleaning equipment cuts through dirt and grime, leaving your glass panels sparkling clean. 

Hard Floors

It's important to use the right cleaning products to get the job done. We have our own formula for a use of neutral cleaners on hard floors. It works so well for us, we haven't changed since day 1.


We use commercial backpack vacuums that make a big difference as there are many type of carpets. We also recommend carpet washing twice a year to restore.


Depending on fabrics and its instructions, there are different approaches to getting it cleaned and stains out. Steam cleaning can be a great alternative.

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